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Melissa, a French-speaking Swiss, embarked on her professional journey as a model that took her across various European countries. Having spent years in the modeling industry, she developed a keen eye for fashion and style.

Leaving her homeland behind, Melissa made a bold decision to pursue a new career path in the United States. Driven by her lifelong passion for fashion design, Melissa embarked on a new adventure, joining the renowned Academy of Arts University located in the vibrant city of San Francisco. The Academy provided her with a platform to expand her creative skills and delve into the realm of fashion design.

Melissa's determination to merge her background in modeling with her newfound knowledge in wellness and fashion design is a testament to her unwavering passion for creating a positive impact on people's lives. She aspires to design innovative, sustainable, and inclusive fashion that not only looks good but also emphasizes the importance of self-expression, and well-being.

With her international background, diverse experiences, and multidisciplinary approach, Melissa is poised to make a mark in the fashion industry. Her fusion of wellness, fashion, and a global perspective sets her apart and ensures that her designs resonate with a wide range of individuals.

© 2023 Melissa Graf. 

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